Siv Oda Hagerupsen
Siv Oda Hagerupsen

Suzuki in Puccini's "Madama Butterfly", Opera på Skäret, July/August 2017:
"Arguably the most fascinating character is Suzuki, who here is a multifaceted personality: humble, understanding, timid, caring but also a tigress – for instance when she drives away the slimy Goro with a broom."..... "and together with Siv Oda Hagerupsen we were treated to a magical cherry blossom duet, magical and playful."....."Siv Oda Hagerupsen, Norwegian like Elisabeth Teige (Cio Cio San), was a very alive and convincing Suzuki and she sang excellently."
Seen and Heard International by Göran Forsling, Sat, 2017-08-05
Eboli in Verdi's "Don Carlo", Opera på Skäret, July/August 2018:
A winning Don Carlo, Opera på Skäret 2018
«In last year’s Madama Butterfly, the role of Suzuki was taken by Siv Oda Hagerupsen, who impressed greatly in that relatively small role. I felt I would like to hear her in a meatier part and my wish was fulfilled this year when she sang Princess Eboli. Her dramatic presence is very palpable and her singing of ‘O don fatale’ generated the longest applause of the evening. I now hope to hear her as Azucena in a future Il trovatore.»
(Seen and Heard International by Göran Forsling, Fri, 2018-08-03)
Eboli in Verdi's "Don Carlo", Opera på Skäret, July/August 2018:
Så bra var Don Carlos!
" kanske mest imponerande bland de kvinnliga sångarna var norska mezzon Siv Oda Hagerupsen i rollen som Eboli. Hon spred flytande guld i frekvensomfånget 200—800 Hz.”
(Björn Gustavsson, Nerikes Allehanda, Sun, 2018-07-29)
Eboli in Verdi's "Don Carlo", Opera på Skäret, July/August 2018:
”Siv Oda Hagerupsen som Eboli gav ännu mer sceniskt utspel i de dramatiska avsnitten och hennes röst klingade totalt fri i samtliga register. Det finns en kärna och lyster i rösten som hon verkar ha total kontroll över. Jag är övertygad om att vi kommer att få höra henne som i Wagners operor som Ortrud, Brangäne m fl. (Det är en tidsfråga innan Bayreuth ringer.) Och varför inte som Lady Macbeth i Verdis Macbeth? Hon är en mezzosopran med höjd! ...Även Eboli styrs av hovets stränga regler. Trots att hon är en vulkan av känslor så kliver hon in i självkontrollen och väljer ett liv i kloster som straff för sitt svek. I arian ”O don fatale” gav Siv Oda Hagerupsen den konflikten sitt fulla uttryck.”
(Per-Arne Jonsson, Sat, 2018-08-25)
The concert "From the Lord of the Rings to the Fairyland in the North - sounds from a magical world":
"Siv Oda sang so beautifully that it was an affliction to wait with the applause until the concert was over"
(Jan Olav Ingvaldsen, Avisa Nordland, 16.06.2008. Full review here.)
"With mezzo-soprano Siv Oda Hagerupsen, Ragnhild Hansen/flute, Lene Buvik/violin and Ralph Creedy/keyboard Saturday evening, this was an exceptionally good journey. (...) She has all reasons to be smiling, after having seduced a crowded inn and led them to the land of dreams. (...) One cannot help being impressed by the powerful voice of Hagerupsen."
(Tarjei Abelsen, Saltenposten, 17.06.2008. Full review here.)
Verdi's "Requiem", with Opera Nordfjord on tour:
"In the Lacrymosa-part (...) do we experience the qualities of the mezzo-soprano. Sensitive and beautiful! (...) In Lux Aeterna (...) the mezzo-soprano and the bass impress and fascinate us."
(Magne I. Våge, Sunnmørsposten, 16.02.2010. Full review here.)
Bizet's "Carmen". Flagstad-Festival, Hamardomen:
"Intense and heartfelt meeting with Carmen. (...) To Paul Curran, artistic director of the Norwegian National Opera, Kirsten Flagstad means quality. And that the Festival named after her also aims to be a festival of high-class, was emphasized by the opening performance, with a crowded audience in Hamardomen Thursday evening. (...) The relationship between Carmen (Siv Oda Hagerupsen) and Don José (Thomas Ruud) is passionate. From the stage in Hamardomen they kept the audience's attention all through the nearly two-hour long performance."
(Hanne Maren Torpen Hokstad, Hamar Arbeiderblad, 18.06.2010. Full review here and here.)
"Carmen (Siv Oda Hagerupsen) was warm, and is a good mezzo-soprano to listen to. (...) It is dramatic. It is good. It is opera."
(Elisabeth C. K. Reitan, Festivalmagasinet, 20.06.2010.)
"JUBILEUM" - an Opera Concert with repertoire from the composers Verdi, Wagner, Mascagni and Britten. (During the Opera Festival in Kristiansund.):
"Siv Oda Hagerupsen's magnificent voice surpassed most of everything this evening. Already her first aria, Santuzza's "Voi lo sapete" from Mascagni's Cavalleria Rusticana, knocked us out. The audience responded as well in well-deserved, hefty applause. (...) "O don fatale", Eboli's aria from Verdi's Don Carlos was again a masterpiece by Hagerupsen. What a range in her register; full power both deep down and up high! Here, the interplay with the orchestra also was at its best, I think. There were clearly more people than the audience who were inspired by the beauty of her voice."
(Jan Øivind Jensen, Tidens Krav, 13. 02. 2013. Full review here.)
Opera concert, Rana, Norway, November 2013
"It is solid "wow" factor when Hagerupsen makes her entrance on "Stride la vampa" from Il Trovatore by Verdi.
The voice is rich, warm and intense. She conveys a poor gypsy's story about her mother who was burned at the stake beautiful and heartfelt. The most advanced melodic lines and phrasing flows effortlessly, and in addition she has a huge stage presence. "
(Kristian Rødvand, Rana Blad, 16.11.2013. Full review here and here.)